Essential life questions
A free mind?
A small number of spiritually oriented people are not happy with the naïve answers of certain trends, religions, gurus, etc. They want to stand still at the functioning of the human mind. That mind seems to be conditioned and functions “automatically”, therefore bringing about a lot of disharmony and suffering in itself and society.
We want to make this discovery journey to the core of the mind in a totally independent manner, therefore averse from any religion, belief, sect, scientific dogma or organisation. But especially without postulated theories about what is possible and what is not. Because without freedom, such a study only leads to restricted conclusions, as a goat tethered to a stake.
The world of “paranormal” phenomena is a reality which can be lived in quite a natural way. Many don’t see beyond certain phenomena. It seems adventurous and distracts the mind from the essence. Forced experiences through visualisation techniques can be dangerous.
It is important to avoid the many traps of the mind, which suddenly wants to create all kinds of meanings, paradises, gods and higher ego’s out of self love. We shall therefore try to probe reality by seeing through the unreal.
I think that it is possible for everyone, without books or university studies, to discover a totally different vision on existence in themselves. This insight brings about a completely different way of life, although not necessarily recognizable by the outside world.
A free, peaceful mind does not live under the yoke of conditioning and is in harmony with itself and society, whatever happens. Does this sound impossible? That’s fine, but do leave space for this possibility though.
This “brightening” originates from the silence of thought.
Through the inner peace which arises this way in a spontaneous manner, there is the necessary space for something totally new, something that is literally inconceivable.
It is not based on anything you know from the past.
Then, physical changes arise in the brain, with drastic effects. Mind and bodies enter another state and get a wider frequency range.
All kinds of names are given to this, such as universal love, divine consciousness, enlightenment, etc… but all descriptions are of course distortions and always beside the question, because it is then reduced to thinking, which is always dualistic.
After years of talks with interested and seeking people, I have decided to set up this platform. Here you will find a concise instigation to contemplation on several subjects. Extensions are added regularly.
You are welcome with objective responses and questions.
I wish you a brightening journey,
Pieter I.Spirit.